(as published by the 40th Bomb Group Association)
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Issue #1, LeMay Flies to Anshan with Cornett, September 8, 1944
Issue #2, Battle Damage Over Singapore, February 24, 1945
Issue #3, Ditching - First B-29 Combat Mission, June 5, 1944
Issue #4, Bomb Loading Accident, Chakulia, India, January 14, 1945
Issue #5, Submarine in the Harbor, February 18, 1942
Issue #6, Rangoon Mission, December 14, 1944
Issue #7, A Tale of the White Gods, Summer 1944
Issue #8, Tokyo Missions, May 24, 26, 1945
Issue #9, First B-29 Combat Mission, June 5, 1944
Issue #10, Gun Battle Over Japan, October 28, 1944
Issue #11, The Battle of Kansas, Part 1, Spring 1944
Issue #12, The Hump - Rocks in Those Clouds, July 2, 1944
Issue #13, The Battle of Kansas, Part 2, Spring 1944
Issue #14, The "Dixie Mission" to the Communist Chinese, Summer 1944 to Spring 1945
Issue #15, To Omura and Return, November 21, 1944
Issue #16, Forced Landing at Turning Point, June 19, 1944
Issue #17, The Day the Earth Exploded, August 7, 1942
Issue #18, The Bomb Explosion at Chakulia, More Recollections, January 14, 1945
Issue #19, The "Rock", February to June 1943
Issue #20, Supply Missions to P.O.W. Camps, August27 to Seprember 20, 1945
Issue #21, Bail Out and Rescue of Jim Lyons Crew, February 26, 1945
Issue #22, Going Overseas, Part 1, January - April, 1944
Issue #23, Cloak and Dagger in Calcutta, 25-31 December, 1944
Issue #24, Going Overseas, Part 2, February - April, 1944
Issue #25, The SNAFU Mercy Mission, March 7, 1943
Issue #26, Construction Projects on Tinian, April - June 1945
Issue #27, The Day Hunter's Crew Confounded the Japanese, 26 Sept 44
Issue #28, The Funny Things - Part 1
Issue #29, A Flight Over The Galapagos Volcano, Spring '43
Issue #30, Christmas at Pratt, 1943
Issue #31, Lucas & Crew Show a B-29 to the President, 20-23 February 1944
Issue #32, The Rangoon Disaster, December 14, 1944
Issue #33, The C-109 Fiasco, Late Summer, Fall 1944
Issue #34, Violent Weather Encounter, August 18, 1944
Issue #35, The C-109 Fiasco,Part II, Aug - Oct 1944
Issue #36, The Adventure of the L-5 Crackup, March 1944
Issue #37, The Walk Out from Rangoon Prison, April 1945
Issue #38, A Collection of Anecdotes About 3 Who Departed the Ranks in 1990
Issue #39, Dale Johnson's Account of the Bail Out over Tokyo, May 25, 1945 and being held in Kempei Tai Prison
Issue #40, Yawata: First Land-Based Bombing of Japan, June 15, 1944
Issue #41, Ditching in the Pacific, May 24, 1945
Issue #42, Bailout, Survival and Rescue in Siberia, August 20, 1944
Issue #43, Richard Vickery's Crew and the Nanking Mission, November 11, 1944
Issue #44, Part 2 to Issue #42, The Saga, in Russia, of the Crew of #829
Issue #45, #289, Nippon Nipper, Flying the Yawata Mission
Issue #46, A Near Miss - In A Vertical Sense, July 13, 1942
Issue #47, Mothering P-51's to Tokyo
Issue #48, The Funny Things, Part 2 (Various Dates)
Issue #49, And Then What Happened? (After Wars End)
Issue #50, Vignettes (Various Dates)
Issue #51, Vignettes #2 (Various Dates)
Issue #52, Ditching off the Africa Coast, June 1944
Issue #53, Snafuperbomber and Crew, Omura Mission, November 21, 1944
Issue #54, Tragic Loss of Ed Hornyia Over Formosa, October 17, 1944
Issue #55, George Olson and the Blown Blister Accident over Texas, December 1943
Issue #56, Two Missions from Tinian
Issue #57, Beaufighter Shoots Down B-29 #331 Over Burma, December 20, 1944
Issue #58, Patrolling in Defense of the Panama Canal, December 1942 to June 1943
Issue #59, Windmilling Prop Over Hamamatsu - Bail Out Over Iwo, May 19, 1945
Issue #60, Katie Harris and Some Poignant Memories of the Red Cross in Chakulia, 1943-1944
Issue #61, Rod Wriston's Crew Flies the Tokyo Mission of May 25-26.
Issue #62, Ledford Crew Makes It Back From Omura, October 25, 1944
Issue #63, Vignettes #3
This is to recognize and thank Bill Rooney for all ot his dedication and
hard work involved in his efforts to publish our MEMORIES for these past
21 years. The amount of research required to authenticate and identify
the correct dates, names,places and every aspect of publishing these
papers has been a monumental task.It is things like these publications
that have been the catalyst that have made our Association what it is
today. Without them our Association would be just another Veterans group.
With them we are a close knit extended family.