Back ; Sgt. Messersmith; Sgt. Garifo; Sgt. Culver; Sgt. Borders; Sgt Serafin Front: Maj. Rogers; Lt. Balkin; Lt. Cook; Lt. Karesh; Lt. Bursch; F/O Ramsey |

Crew Inspection |

Formal parade at Chakulia for the award of Legion of Merit to Col. Leonard Harmon by Gen. La Verne Saunders |

All the "high brass" lined up for the ceremony From left" Gen. Saunders, Col. Leonard "Jake" Harmon (others unidentified) |

Pinning the medal |

Lt. Cook and Lt. Bursch in front of barracks with house boys |
Maj. Daniel Rogers Airplane Commander |
Lt. Danny Bursch Pilot |

Lt. Claude Cook Bombardier |

Barracks at Chakulia, 1944 |

Lt. David Bursch outside barracks |

Lt. Seymour Balkin with several 'house boys" outside barracks at Chakulia |

Relaxing on home-made furniture in front of barracks Balkin, Cook, and Bursch |

Balkin shaving |

Waiting for chow Cook, Stevens |
Lt. Claude Cook |
Slit trench next to barracks (Balkin) |

Walter Ramsey (Flight Engineer) |

Capt. Dean Delafield Squadron Navigator (25th) |

Bursch, Cook |

Capt. James Slattery |

Bursch, Cook |

Local family scene Along side field at Chakulia |

Balkin outside the barracks |

Balkin and houseboys |

Natives returning home after roadbuilding outside barracks area |

Road building scene |

Street Scene, Hsinching, China |

Lt. Larsen and "friend" (Hsinching) |

Lt. Claude Cook and Maj. Daniel Rogers Hsinching, China |

Claude Cook |

Seymour Balkin on right Maj. Rogers with the umbrella |

Hsinching Street Scene Rogers, Doyle, Myers, Cook |

Karesh, Friedman, Larsen Hsinching |

Lt. Cook, Unk., Capt. Myers Hsinching |

Hsinching Street Scene |

Bursch carrying a teapot purchased by Balkin for $7,000 (Chinese) (it's in Balkin's home today) |

Friedman, Unk., Doyle |

Capt. Myers smoking Chinese pipe. |

Outside Hsinching River Boat |

Balkin crossing river |

On a River Boat Myers, Rogers, Doyle, Cook |

Street Scene (Note open backside on baby's pants) |

Outside Hsinching Chinese idols in mountainside |

Another Chinese idol |

Lt. Seymour Balkin, Lt. Claude Cook and Lt. Danny Bursch |

Bursch (Buffalo bucked him off right after the picture was taken) |

River Boats |

Water Buffalo and Rcie Paddy |

"No motor - just muscle" |

Sgt. Sal Garifo |

Balkin, Cook, Bursch and Chinese friends |

Chinese Irrigation Device |

Local Transport |

"Ding Hao" - Thumbs Up |

Chinese Child |

Another |

Classroom |

"Ding Hao" Cook, Bursch, Garifo |

Garifo, Cook, Bursch "Ding Hao" |

Bursch |

Balkin |

Bursch, Cook, Garifo |

Calcutta railroad station |

Another view |

Calcutta street scene |

Shoeshine (no shoes) |

Capt. James Slattery and Maj. Daniel Rogers at "black hole" of Calcutta |

Maj. Danny Rogers Howrah Bridge in background |

Seymour Balkin in front of Jan Temple, Calcutta |

Lt. Daniel Bursch |

Capt. James Slattery (2nd from left) with his Co-Pilot, Navigator and Bombardier |

Rogers, Balkin, Cook, and Bursch |

Bursch (Howrah Bridge) |

Seymour Balkin (Howrah Bridge) |

Calcutta Street Scene |

Traffic Cop |

Another Street Scene |

A Shop in Calcutta |

Water Fountain |

Taking a Shave |

Calcutta Street |

Lt. Daniel Bursch |

Jan Temple |

Cook, Bursch and little girl posing |

Maj.Rogers, Capt. Slattery, Lt. Cook (others unidentified)) At the Railroad Station |

F/O Walter Ramsey and Cook (Railway in Calcutta) |

Balkin at Grand Hotel |