B-18 crew that sank German submarine off entrance to Panama Canal (8/22/42)
see story in MEMORIES, Issue #46 rear: Appleby; Crawford; Koenig; Lessin front; Smith; Sheppard; Skousen (W. A. Rooney Photo) |

Vice President Henry Wallace visiting Hsinching Bomber Command HQ, 40th BG, summer of 1944 (W. A. Rooney Photo) |

Chinese officers presenting V.P. Wallace with a bouquet of flowers during his vist to China, Summer, 1944 (W. A. Rooney Photo) |
(W. A. Rooney Photo) |
(W. A. Rooney Photo) |
Letter, translation and envelope from Chinese Magistrate of Kiangyu directing "all manpower, supplies, and help be given search party" (W. A. Rooney Photo) |

29th Squadron in Puerto Rico, 1942
(Rudy Thompson Photo) |

25th Squadron at Salinas, Ecuador, 1943
(Rudy Thompson Photo) |

West Field, Tinian, Looking Easterly
(Rudy Thompson Photo) |

B-29 Memorial Plaza, Great Bend, Kansas October, 2001
(Photos from Cal Brown) |

B-29 Memorial Plaza |

at Great Bend, Kansas |

Card Game at Chakulia, March 1945 Lts. Alfred Eiken, Jack Riggs, Robert Wix |

Aircraft #44-70139, 44th Squadron, #17
(photo from Ray Archer) |

Aircraft #42-63555, 45th Squadron, #29 Capt. Eino Jenstrom and crew
(photo from Ray Archer) |

Carter McGregor and Fifi
Arriving New Orleans, 1979 for the 40th BG 1st reunion (Margo Etherington photo) |

Hans Gabrielsen Sr. and Jr. (detail with enlarged image) |

Maj. John B. Keller Crew Crew #4, 395th BS
(Priscilla Nelms photo) |