Miscellaneous Photos
(Click on any image for an enlargement)

Memorabilia of Lewis White
Provided by Michael Rutledge, his nephew

Captioned "Muse - Young - White"

Mess Hall Pass

Verse and Chorus to "A Marching Song"

40th Bomb Group Aircraft Photos
Provided by Mark Stevens, Webmaster, 20th AF Association

Overhead view of 40th BG Formation
(National Archives Photo)

#42-24795 Landing, B Runway, Tinian
(National Archives Photo)

Flak Magnet and Mariana Belle over Saipan
(from Cory Graff, Museum of Flight)

World War II Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Construction progress photos - March 3, 2004 (Sparky Corradina)

Some Miscellaneous Photos

58th Bomb Wing Memorial on Tinian, March 2002
(These 4 photos of Tinian were taken March 2002 by Ya Hayashi)

58th Wing Memorial Plaque
(Hayashi photo)

North Field Today
(Hayashi photo)

Approaching West Field
(Hayashi photo)

B-18 crew that sank German submarine
off entrance to Panama Canal (8/22/42)
see story in MEMORIES, Issue #46
rear: Appleby; Crawford; Koenig; Lessin
front; Smith; Sheppard; Skousen

(W. A. Rooney Photo)

Vice President Henry Wallace visiting
Hsinching Bomber Command HQ,
40th BG, summer of 1944

(W. A. Rooney Photo)

Chinese officers presenting V.P. Wallace
with a bouquet of flowers during his
vist to China, Summer, 1944

(W. A. Rooney Photo)
(W. A. Rooney Photo)
(W. A. Rooney Photo)
Letter, translation and envelope
from Chinese Magistrate of Kiangyu directing
"all manpower, supplies, and help be given
search party"

(W. A. Rooney Photo)

29th Squadron in Puerto Rico, 1942
(Rudy Thompson Photo)

25th Squadron at Salinas, Ecuador, 1943
(Rudy Thompson Photo)

West Field, Tinian, Looking Easterly
(Rudy Thompson Photo)

B-29 Memorial Plaza, Great Bend, Kansas
October, 2001
(Photos from Cal Brown)

B-29 Memorial Plaza

at Great Bend, Kansas

Card Game at Chakulia, March 1945
Lts. Alfred Eiken, Jack Riggs, Robert Wix

Aircraft #44-70139, 44th Squadron, #17
(photo from Ray Archer)

Aircraft #42-63555, 45th Squadron, #29
Capt. Eino Jenstrom and crew
(photo from Ray Archer)

Carter McGregor and Fifi
Arriving New Orleans, 1979
for the 40th BG 1st reunion
(Margo Etherington photo)

Hans Gabrielsen Sr. and Jr.
(detail with enlarged image)

Maj. John B. Keller Crew
Crew #4, 395th BS
(Priscilla Nelms photo)

2002 Christmas Greetings
from the 112th SeaBees
(from Edwin Foster, Historian)
2003 Christmas Greetings
from the 112th SeaBees
(from Edwin Foster, Historian)
Gen. MacRae, Troop Transport
40th BG from Calcutta to Tinian
(Vic Dison photo)
Re-enlistment Party
March Field, CA, Jan 46
(John A. Bailey photo)