Damage from Bomb Loading Accident January 15, 1945 |
Stockpile of 500# Bombs |
B-24J Conversion |
Singapore Drydock Mission McWilliams, Swancutt, Goodwyn, Stein McCraw, McKinney, Manfredo Seebach, Swanson |
British Guns Defending Chakulia AFB |
40th BG B-25 |
L-5 and B-25 at Chakulia |
Engine Hoist |
Gen. Wolfe Making Awards |
S/Sgt. Wilbur Cooney |
Hospital Ward in Calcutta |
Awards Ceremony (Sullivan, Ramey) |
Lt. Eustis Making 11th Photo Awards |
"Halfway House" between Chakulia and Kharagpur |
Howrah Train Stop |
Nicols, Luna, Whittaker |
Lord Mountbatten inspects Brooklyn Bessie |
#254 and Bob Gaughan |
Drislane, Moore, Coira |
40th BG Staff Meeting Renfro, Ledford Wemple, Kingsbury |
Gen. Roger Ramey |
Col. Harmon Checks Crew |
Unknown Ground Crew |
6/4/44 Briefing for Bankok Mission |
1st B-29 in CBI Theater (Upston, Harmon) |
Maj. Beseda Checks Bombs |
Reid, Adams, Beseda, Moore |
6/5/44 Takeoff for Bankok |
Briefing for 1st B-29 Mission of WW II |
Blanchard, Cornett, Adler Wemple, McWilliams, Connelly Minor, Barnes, McWalters |
Maj. Luna Checks Crew |
Luna, Hilt, Adams, Beseda, Harmon |
Doyle, Scherck Blanchard, Luna |
Moss Hart, Schaaf, Skaer |
Blanchard, Andre Kostelanetz, and Lily Pons |
Lily Pons, Blanchard, Kostelanetz |
Elite Gurkha Guards |
Protecting B-29 Supplies |
Piping in Home Guards |
Indian Home Guard |
Guards at Chakulia AFB |
Cobra Caught by Kissel |
Storing Sacred Cow "Pies" |
Water Hole Near Chakulia |
Snake Charmer |
Crates of Chickens |
Beetle Nut Salesman |
Bombin' Buggy II Cartoon |
40th BG Formation Bomb Drop |
C-109 #712 at Kalaikunda, India 9/20/44 (Ben Williams photos) |
L to R: Unk, Ben Williams, Robert Braley (25th SQ), Unk |
#2 Nacelle Damage |
Robert Braley |
The "Hump" |
Chinese Burial |