APO #247 – c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California


                                    21 March 1945



NO.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8  )          





1.                  Personnel of this command are roaming in isolated sections of the island at will

during working hours and on days off.  As a result, there have been a number of men

            wounded and some killed by the enemy still at large on the island.  Personnel roaming the

            island are also constantly running the risk of being killed by our own patrols and ambushes

            who have no knowledge that friendly troops are in the area.


2.                  The following sectors are hereby restricted and placed off limits to all personnel

of this command except those having authority from their respective unit commanders

            to enter such sectors:  (See Inclosure #1 for boundaries of sectors.)


a.                  White Beach Sector.

b.                  San Hilo Sector.

c.                   Gurguan Sector.

d.                  Lelo Sector.

e.                  Marpo Sector.

f.                    Maselog Sector.

g.                  Yellow Beach Sector.

1.                  All caves, cane fields and areas containing heavy underbrush located anywhere

on the island outside of the above designated sectors, will be considered as restricted

            areas and will not be traversed by personnel of this command unless having authority

            from their respective unit commanders to enter.


2.                  Military Police and personnel performing guard duty in restricted sectors are

hereby given authority to question all personnel found in restricted sectors and to

require such personnel to show justification for their presence in such areas.  Person-

nel not being able to justify their presence in such areas, will have their names (check

against identification tag) and name of their organization taken by the individual quest

ioning such personnel.  This information will be turned in to the unit commander

concerned.  Personnel not wearing identification tags will be apprehended and returned

to their organization under guard.  Unit commanders will take disciplinary action against

personnel so reported or apprehended.



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