Photo collection of T/Sgt. William Reifel
CFC Gunner, Aircraft 42-24738, Honeywell Honey, #37

(1st Lt. Edmund Baugh crew, 45th Squadron)
(Photos furnished by his son, Robert Reifel)

Crew leaving Clovis, NM for India
October 1944

Lt. John Laxton, CP

(Next photo: Lt. John Laxton, CP
Lt. Eric Buzza, Bombardier)

Daniel McNew, Crew Chief

Harry Pudlovsky
William Reifel

Next Photo: India Street Scene

Postcard from India

Another postcard

Another postcard

Another postcard

42-24739, #27 in background

Assume this decal
was added late
After the 40th mission
for this aircraft
Wm. Reifel 2nd from L, Front

Easter Egg for Tojo

Visiting Tinian Town ruins

Gunners flimsy, 8/8/45
Yawata mission

Mission list for Wm. Reifel
Lineup card for inter-Wing baseball game
July 29, 1945
(Some big names here)
B-29 Article
Special Orders 275, 12/4/44
SO275, Page2

The following photos dated May, 2001
of the 58th Bomb Wing Restoration Project
New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT

(The young gentleman pictured is Samuel Reifel, grandson of Wm. Reifel)
(photos by Bob Reifel)

the "tunnel"