A Photo Collection from John Constandy and Nate Hicks
Part 1

Crew Mates on #42-63455, 25rh Sqaudron, #10, "Genie"

Tom Turner crew finishing training
at Pyote Army Air Field, Texas
April 1945
Front, L/R: Lt. Richard C. Fisher, Burlington, VT;
F/O Gerald C. Frybarger, West Unity, OH;
Capt. Thomas E. Turner, Kansas City, MO;
Lt. John P. Constandy, Bridgeport, CT;
Lt. Nathan Hicks, Melrose, MA;
Rear: S/Sgt. George R. Brown, Alton, IL;
Cpl. William E. Hixenbaugh, Cumberland, MD;
Cpl. Thomas J. McMillan, Eunice, LA;
Cpl. Carroll T. Rabb, Greenville, TX;
Cpl. Melvin S. Shitley, Baltimore, MD;
Cpl. Harold F. Morgan, Huntington,WV.
Rear:Tom Turner; John Constandy, Gerry Frybarger
Front: Dick Fisher, Nate Hicks
John Constandy - Nate Hicks
(standing) John Constandy
(in front) "Champ" (our adopted SeaBee)
(right) Champ's "helper"
Rear, from left: Nate Hicks; Skipper of CG Cutter;
Tom Turner; Dick Fisher; Front: Gerry Frybarger;
Carroll Rabb; Our SeaBee, "Champ"
John Constandy - Dick Fisher
Nate Hicks - Dick Fisher
John Constandy - Nate Hicks
Constructing the tent floor
LtoR: Hicks, Frybarger,
Turner, Fisher
Dick Fisher demonstrates equipment
for "natures call" at night
Heavy Card Game; Left, Hicks; facing, Turner
opponents unknown
Nate Hicks
Gerry Frybarger
L to R: Hicks, Fisher, Turner
A Visitor and John Constandy
John's uncle was Steward on a
Liberty Ship visiting Tinian
Genie in VJ Day Livery
Crew Chief's Handy Bunk
40th BG Area at Gurguan Point
Nate Hicks in Right Blister
40th BG Area
25th SQ Tent Area
Tinian Harbor
Aguijan in Background
25th SQ Latrine Facility
Tom Turner Presiding
25th SQ Hardstand Area
North Field