Photos of India, China and the Carribean

(Historian's Photo Collection)

B-29's at A-1
Foreground: 42-6289, Nippon Nipper
42-6310 takeoff from Chakulia
June 1944. Note unfinished runways
Dan Rogers crew
42-6288 Photo Ship
after removal of forward lower turret
Chakulia Post Office
Crew that sunk German submarine
Gulf of Mexico, 8/22/42
"Chick" Koenig, A/C, Murr Skousen, Pilot
Appleby, Crawford, Sheppard, Lessin
1st B-18 lost by 40th Group, 7/28/42
50mi from France Field, Panama
Roy Reeves, P; James Jenkins, B;
Bob Colan, cc; Edgar Faulk, R
Front: Harmon, Gen Saunders, Harvey
Standing: Engler, Carmichael
Tinian, 1945 Left to Right
Front: Don Bowen, Alton Dumas, Harold Alexander,
Wayne Redd, Irvin Katska, Lee Simpson
Ed Kostrella, Wilbur Cooney.
Middle: Ernest Burchett, John Raprager,
Spike Maunder, Charles Kissel,
Don Gilbreath, Roy Howel, Vic Metzenbaum,
Athans Zonars, Raleigh Johnson
Top: Don Hadley, Frank Youchnow, Russell Crocoll
Bobbie Hilton, Eric Garmshausen, William Wright,
Jerry Sachs, Ken Hopkins, Leo Savitt
L/Col Foss, Gen LeMay, 1/Lt Louis Jones
Chinese peasants take lunch break
building runways near Chengtu
Spring 1944
Aircraft 42-24505 (not 40th BG)
Sgt. Bob Dickens and,
Jinx Falkenburg, Dec 1944
Indian women carry materials
in baskets for runways. 1944
Aircraft 42-6292 (not 40th BG)
Runway construction, Chakulia
Taxiway construction, Chakulia
Maintenance at Hsinching
Entrance to Government
Buildings, Calcutta
Government Buildings
Ice Cream Parlor
Grand Hotel
Waiter Inspection
Grand Hotel
Street Scene
Howrah Rail Station
Hoogly River Bridge
Trades People
Capt. Brough and friend
Shoeshine Boys
40th BG Troop Ship
Casablanca Tent City
(Burke, Fairman)
Camels with Supplies
Downtown Casablanca
Tent City (2)
Sphynx and Pyramids
Egyptian Pyramid